Funny Or Die Unearths A Lost Donald T...
The #FODTrumpMovie is unavailable right now. Find out when it will play next. | “Funny Or Die Presents Donald Trump’s The Art Of The Deal: The Movie” stars Johnny Depp as a young Donald Trump in the 1988 made-for-TV movie he wrote, directed, and starred in.
Submitted by: #FODTrumpMovie
Keywords: #FODTrumpMovie donald trump presidential campaign politics political thriller johnny depp bestselling book art of of the deal alfred molina stephen merchant patton oswalt jack mcbrayer andy richter michaela watkins paul scheer rob huebel alf movie release film premier the 80s new york city new york real estate business mogul presidential candidate movie movie trailer film release found footage vhs made for tv
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Funny Or Die Unearths A Lost Donald Trump ’80s Movie